Bought Wildflower Seed Bombs from us? Here’s what to do…

November 30, 2021
by Lnet

The seeds are in a mix of clay heavy soil, these will dissolve when wet. All you need to do, is throw them onto cleared soil and then water!

The no dig policy to keep carbon in your soil

  • Cover an area of ground with tarpaulin for 2 months to kill off the grass or weeds. Or cover in paper or card and a layer of topsoil to shut out the light).
  • Plant any time of year, but autumn and spring are best. Remove the cover and scatter the seed bombs on the ground or throw the bombs directly on top of the soil, water, and await results.
  • The flower seeds in your bee bombs are – Paper Daisy, Pheasant Eye, Pot Marigold, Cornflower, Morning Glory, Evening Primrose, Forget Me Not, Four O’Clock, California Poppy, Baby’s Breath, Chamomile Daisy, Love In A mist, Corn Poppy, Corncockle, Golden Tickseed, Bitter Blue Lupin, Borage, Purple Tansy, Blanket Flower, Clarkia, Cosmos, Mixed clovers, Marsh Mallow, Yellow rattle, Dahlia.
  • Seeds can be collected from the dead flower heads at the end of the season, the area mowed, and replanted the next season.

Bee action pack for your garden


Why we need Bees and other pollinators

‘We have pollinators to thank for every third mouthful we eat. Not only do they pollinate our food crops, but they’re also vital for the survival of other wild plants that support so much of our wildlife.
Most of us tend to think of bees in relation to pollination, yet insect pollinators are an incredibly diverse group. Honeybees are mostly kept in managed hives – and are likely responsible for pollinating between 5-15% of the UK’s insect-pollinated crops. That leaves 85-95% of the UK’s insect-pollinated crops relying on wild pollinators. Many species of bee, moth, butterfly, hoverfly, fly, and beetle provide an essential service in the UK (and globally) pollinating £690 million worth of crops annually. Taking over this job ourselves would be difficult and time-consuming and would cost us an estimated £1.8 billion every year!

Why are pollinators under threat?

Three bumblebee species have become extinct in recent decades. The recent European Red List for Bees reports that almost one in ten species of wild bee face extinction. And, over the past 50 years, half the bee, butterfly and moth species studied in the 2013 State of Nature Report, have declined. We can directly link these declines to changes in the way we farm. The intensification of agriculture has led to the destruction of habitat, and what is left is becoming increasingly fragmented. Further habitat loss is driven by urbanisation, and insect pollinators are also affected by the heavy use of pesticides and herbicides, more habitat, the effects of climate change and disease’

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